Project Ideas

Recently I’ve had the urge to make something. I have random ideas about cool things I’d like to have in my life and start researching how to build them.

My problem is I’ve now got several ideas in my head and no clear starting point so my progress has been unimpressive.

Below is a list of ideas I have. If you know how I should tackle any of the below please get in touch. The list is to serve as a reference for myself.

1. Sip door phone
I’ve seen expensive consumer products but reckon I can build one myself using raspberry pi or similar. The idea is someone pushes the button and it calls the phones attached to my asterisk (in my home, in my office and on my mobile). Whilst ringing the person at the door is asked for their name and purpose so this can be played when I answer. (Useful when packages are delivered and I am not in – also when friends visit and I am out.) Extra: add a picture or webcam feed, ability to notify an iOS or android app, and possibly the ability to lock unlock the door from any phone that answers the doorbell.

2. Sip loudspeaker
I don’t know why, but I’d like my house to talk to me. I’d like to know how the underground lines look in the morning while I make my tea. I’d also like to be able to leave messages for family members when they return to the house (use of motion sensor). I’d also like two way calls via the speaker, so I could call the speaker and talk to whomever might be in. This would also be good in my grandfather’s house so we can talk to him without him needing to operate a phone.

3. Home automation (general)
I have lights I can control via iOS or android apps. I’d like to make them smarter e.g. know I was heading upstairs and that no lights are on and either ask if I want them on (can use sip speaker, motion sensor + voice command software) or just turn them on anyway.

4. Money management app
I am planning to build this in Rails. This is for a friends business so I’m not going to say much here.

5. Git server
I’d like to host my own github style site to backup my work

6. Android management Either the ability to remotely manage family members android devices e.g. initiate app updates, backup images etc via a web interface. Also ability to provide remote support I.e. ability to see the screen of a family members device and show them how to perform common tasks. (Vnc style).

7. Follow me music system I would like a sonos style setup whereby I can dictate what is played in each room. If I could tie this in with the sip speaker project that would be great.

8. Android sip client I know many of these exist but I’d like to build one just for fun. That’s it for now.

9. Home security
I’d like to be able to tell what’s going on in my house at a glance (phone/tablet).

10. Media displays
Use “small computers” (e.g. raspberry pi / arduino) to power 4 large TV screens with advertising. Using XiBo or similar.

11. Home Check-in
Use the Raspberry Pi to monitor the MAC addresses connected to my home network. Use these addresses and a few logical conditions such as time etc to determine whether members of the family are at home or not. This can then be extended to tie in with home automation and turn lights on when returning home and nobody else is at home.

Will update when more ideas keep me awake at night.

Android 4.0.4 Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS) for Nexus S (GSM)

A couple days back Google announced they’d be releasing an update for their flagship phones, the Galaxy Nexus and Nexus S, but they were pretty vague on locations.

I was one of the (un)lucky few who received the Ice Cream Sandwhich update which took my Nexus S from 2.3.6 (Gingerbread) to 4.0.3 (ICS). I am happy I have the new ICS features but really disappointed with the poor performance on battery life and lack of recognition for numbers in my phone book! After all, what good is a phone if it doesn’t stay on, and when it is on, you cannot tell who is calling?

And so, here I am, eagerly awaiting the 4.0.4 update and wondering if it is even being rolled out in the UK?! If you’ve got a Nexus S and receive the over the air update please do leave a comment!

I am hoping the battery life will match the update Galaxy S II running 2.3.4 where light use gave over 1 day and a few hours of battery! I have never seen my nexus last for more than 20 odd hours even with little or no use.