TalkTalk Fibre with a Draytek 2820vn

This post is about using Talk Talk Fibre Broadband (aka BT Infinitiy) with your own router. You might have guessed from the title, I have fibre broadband via TalkTalk. They sent me a new router (thanks TalkTalk) but I already have everything set up with my lovely Draytek 2820vn.

BT Openreach left me with a VDSL modem that plugs directly into the master phone socket. I plugged this in to the TalkTalk router and everything just worked. However, when I plugged it into the WAN (2) port of the Draytek I had no internet.


I searched online for the settings, but different people said different things, none of which worked for me. Below I’m going to show you how I configured my Draytek to work with Talk Talk Fibre.

1. Plug the LAN port of the BT OpenReach modem (mine’s a white box) into the WAN port of the Draytek 2820vn.

2. Navigate to the Draytek management page (usually

3. Click on WAN (in the left menu) then General Setup

4. Under WAN2 you’ll want these settings:

  • Enable: Yes
  • Display Name: TalkFibre
  • Physical Mode: Ethernet
  • Physical Type: Auto Negotiation
  • Active Mode: Always on
  • VLAN Tag Insertion: Diable
  • Click OK

5. In the left menu navigate to WAN -> Internet Access

6. In the INDEX column select WAN2

7. You’ll see PPoE, Static or Dynamic IP or PPTP/L2TP – SELECT Static or Dynamic IP

8. Fill in the screen as follows:

  • Enable: click to select
  • Enable PING to keep alive: [unchecked]
  • PING to the IP: [blank]
  • PING Interval: 0
  • Wan Connection Detecion Mode: ARP Detect
  • Ping IP: [blank]
  • TTL: [blank]
  • MTU: 1500
  • Enable RIP: [unchecked]
  • Obtain an IP address automatically: [select this]
  • Router Name: [enter your phone number e.g. 02081231234]
  • Domain Name:
  • Default MAC Address: [select this]
  • Click OK

Et voila! Your draytek will restart and hopefully you’ll be able to access your fibre via the BT Modem.

Hope that helps 🙂